Cookie Policy

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device (your computer, mobile phone, tablet etc) when you visit a website. They are useful because they allow the website to recognise your device. Most websites use cookies.

How we use cookies

We use cookies where they are necessary for the functioning of this website or where they help us to give you the best possible experience (for example, by remembering the preferences you set in the cookies panel).

Our cookies are not used to identify you personally. At no point will our cookies result in cold calls, junk email or information being passed to third parties.

We occasionally incorporate functionality from other, reputable, websites. These websites may also set cookies, known as 'third party cookies'. We don't control third party cookies and these may change at any time. We therefore haven't listed the names of individual third party cookies in the table below.

The table below explains the cookies we use and why:

SourceCookie NamePurpose
Google Analytics_ga
We use Google Analytics to collect information about how you use this website, such as which pages you have visited and the browser that you used. We don't allow Google to use or share our analytics data and we mask IP addresses. To find out more, please see: Google Analytics: Safeguarding your data.
YouTube cookiesThird party - not listedSome pages contain embedded YouTube videos. These will only display and set cookies if you have chosen to see functionality from social media websites in your cookies preferences. For more information, see: YouTube's embedding videos information page.
Managing your cookies

When you first visit this website, we notify you that we use cookies and give you the choice to configure some privacy preferences by turning features on/off. You can change these privacy preferences at any time by clicking on the 'Cookies' tab at the top right of every page. If a feature is set to 'off', it will:

  • Block the feature so it doesn't run for you on this website.
  • Stop new cookies associated with the feature from being set.
  • 'Expire' any cookies associated with the feature that were previously set by this website - that is, change their expiration date to a date in the past. These expired cookies may still appear on your machine until your browser deletes them or you delete them manually. Please note that we cannot control or expire third party cookies. You can delete these manually, if required (see below).
Deleting / Blocking cookies

You can delete the cookies stored on your computer at any time. You can also change your browser's privacy settings to block websites from storing cookies on your computer. To learn more about cookies, including how to manage or delete them, see: