
Saving lives through education

Our FREE online library is packed full of educational resources and activities from the UK’s leading emergency services and safety-focused organisations making it easy for you to find trusted materials that provide learning opportunities to help keep children safe.

See here to learn more about us


I am a teacher, support staff or volunteer delivering education to children and young people.
Teacher Area

Blue light & safety focused organisations

I work for the emergency services or I am a safety professional looking for resources to support community engagement.
Blue Light Area

Public Resources

I am a child or parent looking for fun activities that will help keep me safe.
Public Area

Hear from our users

This is some text about how our users think that StayWise is the best thing since slided bread and they think that you should use it too. This is some text about how our users think that StayWise is the best thing since slided bread and they think that you should use it too. This is some text about how our users think that StayWise is the best thing since slided bread and they think that you should use it too.